Sag nicht auf wiedersehn, und sag nicht goodbye!

365 days ago this day I left Jacobs to experience the wilderness outside after working for about 7 years with my friends. Although it was a bit sentimental to leave my friends behind, I really needed that change. Yesterday, some of my former colleagues and I had a get-together drink which made me feel a bit nostalgic. So, I thought maybe republishing one of my last post for my former colleagues around the world together with their kind comments (Even some of them told poems for me! Look at their comments!), and the leaving card they prepared for me would be a good idea on this specific day! This way, I can prove despite being very busy these days, I haven’t forgotten them and the good time we had together.

I think just looking at the comments below my text proves how Jacobs was successful in embracing the “Culture of Inclusion” and “Diversity”.

So here is what I wrote for them and their kind responses:


Sag nicht auf wiedersehn, und sag nicht goodbye!

Have you ever experienced to be “sadly happy” or “happily sad”?! These two expressions will most certainly define my feelings at the end of this month when I will leave Jacobs to join another company in London… It is now a few weeks since I signed my resignation and sent my exit interview to Jacobs following to accepting a better offer from another company. It was an absolute pleasure and great honour working and befriending with you Jacobs fellas and in fact, the very best thing I liked about working with Jacobs. For sure there were things I didn’t like about this company and I did honestly mention them in my exit interview (hopefully Mr Jacobs will look at my criticism positively and try to improve things). However, I do strongly believe Jacobs people are wonderful and unforgettable.

For sure, it will be very difficult for me to say farewell to you my lovely fellas and so as my favourite singer, Vicky Leandros, asks Sag nicht auf wiedersehn, und sag nicht goodbye! I’m not going to say goodbye to you, well just to Mr Jacobs for now. Because you know, as JacobsConnect proved, this amazing huge universe is, in fact, a very small world when you appreciate and embrace the importance of diversity, the culture of inclusion and will to discover/experience/try novel things in your life. So, I’m sure I’ll be in touch with many of you, at least electronically, and you never know, we may work together again in future or see you in a corner of the world in our trips.

There are a few groups here as my legacy that either I initiated or have participated in. I’d really appreciate if some kind people volunteer to take over the administration of them and keep them alive and active when I leave the company:

  • Bridge Engineering: As a bridge designer I founded this forum to discuss and share our work experiences, problems we may encounter in our projects, etc. I’d appreciate if somebody who is into bridge engineering volunteers for its administration, so I can add him as an administrator before I leave.
  • Eurocodes for Structures: As using Eurocodes are somehow a new and challenging experience, I founded this forum to share our knowledge. Now we need a new admin who is a structural engineer and has worked with Eurocodes.
  • Mathcad: Another group I founded to discuss about this great software Mathcad. I have to admit we were not very active in this group but please somebody who has worked with Mathcad rise his/her hand, so I can add him/her as the new administrator.
  • LUSAS: Anyone has extensive experience in using LUSAS for computational analysis of bridges, composites, etc? Please raise your hand…
  • History Forum: This is a casual non-professional forum for amateur historians and those who love history. Of course, Jacobs has its own Environmental Sciences and Planning Cultural Resources (History, Historic Structures, Ethnography, Archaeology & Heritage) which is more professional and work-related. But is there any volunteer to administrate this casual group after me?
  • Jacobs Dancers: This is a very interesting group our friend, Ganna Kudrey the Magnificent, established and when she left the company nominated Kateryna Kornyeyeva (our other super wonderful Ukrainian friend) and me as the new administrators. Katya herself is a wonderful dancer and I’m sure will do a great job in administrating this group with her amazing experience when she has time. Feel free to join the club and rock it.
  • Chelmsford Office: This is a group established by my better-than-brother, Behzad Akbari, for Chelmsford employees of Jacobs and I was just helping him. Feel free to support Behzad and oh, there’s a piece of news there about me in the most recent edition of Chelmsford Office Newspaper by Chris Seaman. I was so humbled. Those of you who are not working in Chelmsford are also more than welcome…

Matt Waddicor asked me for a final shot for Sarah Daniels’s interesting Timeless Ties group. Well, I was more into cravats than ties and recently haven’t fastened anything regularly I have to admit. But yet they kindly accepted me as a participant and it was indeed joyful. I think while they’re possibly looking to see another shot of me with another cravat and waistcoat and a glass of champagne or white wine in my hand, may I break the rules a bit and purely for the sake of a casual change and diversity, submit the below photo? It’s me as a tourist in one of the beautiful historic villages of Iran in beautiful Iranian traditional costumes. I always regret a lot why I didn’t buy the costume there from the old lady in the shot.

I do hope we will stay in touch, at least electronically… You can either contact me through my LinkedIn profile or my own website which hasn’t been updated for a long time and I have to do it as soon as I find an opportunity. Here is also my photography website.

And finally, may I take the opportunity to thank you all very much again for your sincere friendship. It was indeed an absolute pleasure and great honour for me to know, befriend and work with you all.

No goodbye!

PS: My last day with Mr Jacobs will be Friday 31st October 2014. So, I’ll be still here till then!


Kateryna Kornyeyeva (15-Oct-2014 12:29):

Sohail it was pleasure to get to know you and hope you will have great time and experience in the new company. Thank you for nominating me as a dance group administrator as well 🙂 Will keep in touch, and I will for sure follow your photography career as well.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 12:46):

Katya, the pleasure was all mine indeed. Who better than you for administrating that group? Especially and absolutely “no goodbye” to you as we’re already very good old friends and will stay in touch in Facebook or whenever either you and your family come to London or I come to Ireland. 🙂 I have also the great honour of being “Uncle Sohail” for your little angel. 🙂

Angelita Litonjua (15-Oct-2014 12:31):

Sohail, no goodbye indeed! Thank you for your friendship, too! 🙂 We’ll miss you!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 12:48):

Angel, for sure “no goodbye” to you too my dear friend and for sure I’ll miss you too. xx

Sarah Daniels (15-Oct-2014 12:44):

All the very best, Sohail. It is a pleasure knowing you!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 12:50):

The pleasure was all mine Sarah for knowing and befriending with you…. And ha, your New Gate! 🙂 You have a very bright mind full of wonderful ideas…

I wish you all the very best too and for sure “no goodbye” to you to my friend. 🙂

Robert “Matt” DiPalma (15-Oct-2014 12:51):

Godspeed, Sohail! We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 12:55):

Thanks mate. My very best wishes for you too. 🙂

Vartika Jain (15-Oct-2014 12:57):

All the very best Sohail…

I will missing your initiative of equalizing JC level to salary hike 🙂 ….

God bless you.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 13:41):

Ha ha ha, thanks for reminding me Vartika. Actually I’ve got about 4000 points here and the title “Pioneer”. I’m going to put them on sale at eBay and get some money!!!! 😉

People, here’re some very good quality, made in USA, organic JC points and title “Pioneer” for sale. All with 7-day money back guaranty and free delivery!!! Happy bidding!! 😉 :p 😀

David Haines (15-Oct-2014 13:04):

Goodbye and good luck!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 13:42):

As explained above, “no goodbye” but good luck David.

Phil Butler (15-Oct-2014 13:10):

Sohail, it’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know you even if it is only electronically. I wish you all the best for the future you will be missed.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 13:43):

Phil, very same feelings and wishes here too mate. “No goodbye” to you too.

Alberto Sanchez (15-Oct-2014 13:12):

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr, may I wish you the best in your future and remember always the persons you left behind as friends and good old mates.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 13:45):

You may Alberto, you may! 🙂 Of course you were wonderful unforgettable friends. “No goodbye” to you too and all the very best my friend.

Alejandro Carranza (15-Oct-2014 13:14):

Hey Sohail Forouzan-Sepehr wish you the very best!

Please keep in touch my Iranian friend, and do not forget to contact me when you finally make that trip to Mexico.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 13:53):

Mi queridisimo Mexicano amigo, Alejandro, I may forget my home address or keys but most certainly I will never forget you and our extraordinarily beautiful country, Mexico. Actually a few days ago I was looking for your either LinkedIn or Facebook profile but couldn’t find any trace from you. It was a great pleasure knowing and befriending with you and will be a greater pleasure to stay in touch. I will inbox you my email address and hope you don’t mind to exchange yours.

Very best wishes for you and hasta luego either in Mexico or Iran or any other amazing corner of the world.

Angelita Litonjua (15-Oct-2014 13:58):

Sohail, I would like to have your email ad, too. Can we please exchange?

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:22):

Sure. I will.

Alejandro Carranza (15-Oct-2014 16:00):

Sure my friend! See ya soon!

You can find my profile on facebook and LinkedIn as Alejandro Carranza.

Have a great day my friend! 🙂

Paul Wheeldon (15-Oct-2014 13:18):

Sorry to hear you are off Sohail. We in the Tribe will be less for lack of your sartorial elegance.

Does this mean that Angelita has got out of buying you that incredibly expensive tie?

Enjoy where you go next. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:00):

Thank you very much for your kindness Paul. I have the same sadness for leaving the tribe too, but it’s life… My best wishes for you too my friend.

Oh for sure don’t worry! Angelita is always more than welcome to buy that tie for me and shows her generosity! 😉

Shamim Huq (15-Oct-2014 13:43):

Adios amigos, bon voyage, farewell, godspeed, au revoir – my friend. We will miss your presense Sohail Forouzan-sepehr. I hope that when you decide that the wilderness is enough 🙂 😀 you will return and it will delight us.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:04):

My very dear friend with beautiful name Shamim, “no goodbye”, “no adios”, “no khodahafez” and “no au revoir” to you! I’m not good in saying goodbye and so I don’t.

I do hope we will work together again in future too. You never know, maybe in future my new company will take over Jacobs and we’ll be all colleagues again! 😉

Ha, do you think Mr Jacobs will censor my last sentence?! 😉

John Lane (15-Oct-2014 13:55):

Best wishes in your new endeavour Sohail, Bonne chance mon ami.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:15):

Merci beaucoup mon cher ami, John. C’est gentil. My best wishes for you too.

Jean Early (15-Oct-2014 14:05):

Sorry and sad to hear you’re leaving Sohail Forouzan-sepehr.

Good luck with your new job & I hope that our paths may cross again sometime in the future!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:21):

Thank you my friend Jean and please be sure that I’ve got absolutely the same feelings. 🙁 But as I explained above, “no goodbye” to you but best wishes for you too. 🙂 I’m sure our paths will cross again somewhere and sometime in the future. 🙂

PS: As I said in one of my comments above, I hope my new company takes over and buys the whole Jacobs, so we’ll be colleagues again! 😉

Frank North (15-Oct-2014 14:30):

All the best to you Sohail, Be Safe, Take Care and may peace happiness and joy be yours always!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:33):

Thanks my friend. Same wishes for you too.

John Fay (15-Oct-2014 14:34):

Alas! We will miss you.

I’ll not say goodbye, but I will offer you the blessing of “fare thee well.” May you have joy and success in your new endeavors, wherever they may be.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:48):

Thanks my knowledgeable friend, John. For sure I will miss you and your valuable posts, too.

Heath Lutz (15-Oct-2014 14:38):

I’ve always been a proponent of “until next time”. I also wish you well in your endeavors and wanted to say what a positive contribution you have made to our online community.

In that spirit, “auf wiedersehen” and “au revoir” which both literally means until we see (each other) again.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:50):

Thanks so much Heath. I’ve also always enjoyed your contributions and yes very well said, till we see each other again.

Cora Carmody (15-Oct-2014 14:44):

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr – until we meet again.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:52):

Very well said Cora. Till we meet again my friend. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 14:57):

Guys and girls, do you know how you can recognise Iranians apart from their accent?

Iranians’ farewell at the end of the parties, meetings, etc always takes about 3 hours even if the meeting itself was for half an hour only!! 😉

In this spirit, I’ve proved to be too much Iranian as I’ve started this “till we meet again” thing 3 weeks before my leave!!! 😀

Frank North (15-Oct-2014 14:59):

But Sohail, if you hadn’t started early however would we have had time to say farewell? Good Planning!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:08):

Thanks mate. To be honest, this was exactly my intention. Always planning things in well advance with plenty of time to do things without rush. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:24):

Furthermore, in this way Angelita will also have enough time to buy that tie (Calligraphy Tie) for me before I leave!!! 😉 :p

Angelita Litonjua (15-Oct-2014 15:37):

😀 😉 :p 2+ weeks!

Paul Wheeldon (15-Oct-2014 15:01):

Keep this up Sohail and you will get your mystical blue staff before you leave the company. I trust that Sarah has one waiting for all who become guides. 😉

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:10):

Ha ha ha, you’re right Paul. I think this post will make me a champion or guide or something! Then I’ll put the new titles and point on eBay for sale and make some money from them!!! :p 😉

Jean Early (15-Oct-2014 15:40):

That’s fine as long as you don’t push me off Page 3!!!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:51):

Don’t worry Jean. I’m not a pushy person! 😀

Alberto Venni (15-Oct-2014 15:30):

I wish you all the best for your new adventure, Sohail Forouzan-sepehr. It was a pleasure to talk about photography with you!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:35):

Grazie mille my friend, Alberto. It was indeed a great pleasure talking about your trips and photos, too. No arrivederci but best wishes till we meet again…

Alberto Venni (15-Oct-2014 15:40):

Thank you very much! If one day you’ll be travelling to Florence, let me know

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:41):

Wow, you live in Firenze. Sure, I will. 🙂

Alberto Venni (15-Oct-2014 15:48):

Actually I live in Fiesole but I was born and raised in Firenze, near Santa Croce!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:49):

Wow, I’m packing my luggage to come! 😉

Alberto Venni (15-Oct-2014 15:52):

September-October is the best time for visiting Florence (if the weather is not too bad)…….

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 15:54):

I think it was either in September or October 2008 when I last came to Italy. We were in a group with t-shirts and shorts enjoying the warm lovely weather where the local well-dressed Italians were in their warm cloths and boots… 🙂

Brenda Gibbons (15-Oct-2014 17:06):

Good luck! It was nice meeting you.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 17:13):

Thanks Brenda. 🙂

Denise Hofmann (15-Oct-2014 17:11):

Farewell until we meet again. I do wish you all of the best in your future endeavors. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 17:13):

Thanks Denise. Till we meet again. 🙂

Martyn Williams (15-Oct-2014 21:42):

The bright flame that is JC dims, a little but noticiably with the leaving of a leading light.

Well meet and safe journey.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 22:26):

Wow Martyn, I’m truly humbled by your beautiful poetic words. And interestingly you’ve used the meaning of my surname in your expressions! I can’t thank you enough my friend. 🙂

Martyn Williams (15-Oct-2014 22:40):

Genuine pleasure – the whole ‘second brightest star in the sky’ thing did not work out!

Timeless Tie’s loses its only touch of class. :p

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (15-Oct-2014 23:08):

Martyn, I guess in your previous incarnation/life you were a great Persian poet. 🙂

Ram Reddy (16-Oct-2014 23:59):

Kabhi Alvida na Kahena – translated from Urdu, means never say goodbye!

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (17-Oct-2014 11:22):

Thanks Ram. Yes, absolutely no ‘Alvida’! Till we meet another time.

Sue Pei Lim (17-Oct-2014 08:53):

Wish you all the best, Sohail. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (17-Oct-2014 11:24):

Thanks Sue. It was a great pleasure knowing you. 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (17-Oct-2014 11:32):

I’d like to also thank Heath Lutz for his kind words about me on his post “Sohail Forouzan-sepehr” at Global Recognition.

Julien FILOU (20-Oct-2014 12:50):


à bientôt.

et le meilleur pour toi et tes proches !

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (20-Oct-2014 13:51):

Merci beaucoup mon cher ami, Julien. C’est très gentil.

Mes meilleurs voeux pour vous et vos proches, aussi.

À bientôt. 🙂

Atul Paralkar (21-Oct-2014 16:22):

Best wishes Sohail! You will be missed.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (21-Oct-2014 16:28):

Thanks Atul. 🙂

Paul Harper (24-Oct-2014 11:40):

Sohail, my friend, I am truly sad to see you go. Your brought your own special dimension to our little community (and of course your wonderful cravats and waistcoats). A vegetarian and a lover of fine food. I will raise a glass to you in ‘Avesta’, our only Iranian restaurant in Belfast.

You had me guessing a few weeks ago about your big news – if nothing else I introduced you to Labi Siffre? I suppose that part of the guessing is over!

Best wishes,


PS – I did love the film ‘No One Knows About Persian Cats‘ which won a special prize at Cannes a few years back. Indie music and the underground music movement in Teheran may not be your thing, but am sure that Matt or some of the other guys may have heard of it, or if not will get a chance to look up.

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (24-Oct-2014 12:11):

My very dear friend Paul, thank you very much for your kind words. Go raibh míle maith agat go mór. 🙂 I can never forget our very interesting conversations here and for sure it’s also very sad for me to leave you and other wonderful Jacobs fellas…

I think we’re connected as I was thinking about wonderful Irish Riverdance, one of the most beautiful and my best favourite dances… Also, at the same time when you were writing about the Iranian movie, I was reading your post about Bacon number and tried several Iranian actors and actresses, but couldn’t get any number greater than 3! I haven’t watched that movie yet but heard about it. We have a joke in Iran (a sad one though) saying “according to the law, whatever makes you feel good or please you is forbidden!” So yes, underground music in Tehran, Tabriz and other cities are not just about Rap, Metal, etc; but can also include some amazing jazz, gypsy, even soprano opera, etc too and there’re a few ones I really love. There’re a young Iranian couple in US who’re not only amazing singers and musicians themselves, but also they try to discover the hidden talents in Iran and introduce their works in their Facebook page. Their band is called “Eendo” which means “These two”.

As I said in my above blog post and comments, for sure I’m not going to say goodbye and instead prefer to say: “Féach leat go luath” to you. I do hope we’ll stay in touch.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Harper (24-Oct-2014 12:29):

Sohail, yes we will stay in touch. I have a brother in Essex (Braintree), so may catch up with you there. You beat me to LinkedIn! We are connected now via that.

Take care,


Hossein Jafarzadeh (26-Oct-2014 21:19):

Good Luck and Wish you all the best!!

Angelita Litonjua (26-Oct-2014 21:36):

Hello Hossein! Congratulations for reaching the Adventurer status level. Enjoy connecting! 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (27-Oct-2014 18:19):

Thanks Hossein jaan. All the very best for you too. I trust in my absence you and the rest will keep the Iranian community of Jacobs active and alive.

PS: A bit of linguistics for non-Persian speaking fellas: The word “jaan” I used after Hossein’s name is pronounced almost exactly like “John” and means “dear”. 🙂

Angelita Litonjua (27-Oct-2014 19:56):

How are you doing short timer?

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (28-Oct-2014 09:41):

Busy busy busy… 🙂

Angelita Litonjua (28-Oct-2014 11:25):

Okay just checking up on my friend. That’s all.

Mark Wisbey (29-Oct-2014 13:59):

Good luck & best wishes for the future 🙂

Sohail Forouzan-sepehr (29-Oct-2014 14:04):

Thanks MW. 😉

Author: Sohail Forouzan-sepehr

Experienced chartered engineer, researcher, photographer and world explorer